Gardar Thor Thorkelsson


Gardar is an award winning  filmmaker based in London and an NFTS alumni.

His 2020 film, Thinking About the Weather, a travel documentary about the end of the world, won the  2020 Hijack VISIONARY FILMMAKER  Award at Aesthetica film festival, BEST NEW TALENT at Oscar qualifying PÖFF black nights film festival and The Encouragement award at Skjaldborg film festival.

Prais for Garðar´s work:

Pöff Jury Commentary:  “For its original directorial vision and boldly confident approach. We are inspired by the charming, humorous and poetic way the film is documenting the environmental crisis that is part of our everyday lives. We support Gardar with great enthusiasm and are looking forward to his future works."

Skjaldborg Jury's Commentary: Thinking About the Weather captures the heart of its subject in a funny, creative, unique and at the same time absurd way. The film demonstrates a strong auteur’s voice, and the jury wants to encourage this voice to do more work.

Since graduating from NFTS, Gardar has worked as a freelance filmmaker and editor, working for clients such as Epic Games, StoryFuture Academy, Jacamo, Adidas and the Environment Agency and in broadcast television.

Gardar is from Reykjavik, Iceland.



Commissioned work
